
journal day - no regrets

As usual I'm a little late, but I'm still making it happen for Journal Day with Sometimes Sweet. The latest journal prompt is:
If you had a free pass to go back and change anything in your past, with the promise that it would only affect you positively, would you do it? And if so, what would you change?

I'm not sure how old I was, but at some point during my teenage years (which were filled with melodramatic regrettable moments of epic proportions) that I decided it wasn't worth regretting my actions or decisions. Whenever something happened that I thought could warrant an aftertaste of regret, I told myself that it wasn't worth the energy. I learned my lesson, and so I pressed forward. This was likely the result of being a teenager who needed a thicker skin...
While I really haven't had any big moments in my life that I wish I would have done differently, the one I often look back on is my decision to pursue a degree in architecture. It was an intense, 5 year program that I struggled through at times... And the degree? Lets just say I'm using it creatively... BUT when I think about it now, I wouldn't have done it any other way. My college years were amazing! I became a member of a sorority, I made some very special friendships, and I spent a semester in Rome, Italy. I also learned that while I'm not an architect, I have other creative strengths that can translate to a different career. Learning the mechanics of most design programs comes easily to me, and teaching myself new things through the use of Help and Google is something I figured out in college, too. The architecture curriculum was as much about learning your own way to work and think as it was about learning to design a building... usually, your thought process was as important as your end result, and your design was only as good as your presentation of it. I got some valuable skills out of that degree program!
Had I not gone to RPI (and the only reason I even knew about the school was the architecture program) my life would be completely different... And while it could be better in some ways, I don't feel that I'm on the wrong path or I didn't do what was best for me. College isn't the end of learning anyway, I'm still learning new things every day...
So, I guess it really isn't regret as long as you learn from it!

<3 barb

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