
a change of plans... and a shop update!

After the success of my first fair back in September, I decided to participate in my high school's Holiday Fair.  I thought I could take my leftover stock from the last fair, make a few new things in some more festive colors, and maybe even get a few custom orders, since November 20 is plenty early to complete them and deliver in time for Christmas.
This is a bit of what the fair looked like:
My always loyal #1 employee PJ

Dad and PJ find a new use for my fabric bows

a little piece of my display... lots of pretty holiday colors

me waiting for customers...

Sadly, the customers just never came.  I think that my initial assumption of who would be at the fair (moms and grandmas of high school girls who might be looking for Christmas presents) was totally off, and there just wasn't anyone looking to buy handmade headbands (or really, any quality handmade items)  :-(

Anyway... since I now have a TON of inventory in fun, festive, holiday colors, I've decided to add them to my shop at a special lower price (since they are all ready made and ready to ship!  I'll be updating this section all week with new items... heres a look at what you'll find in the Ready to Ship section:

Another great thing about these items is that I can get them in the mail ASAP!  Just so you know, these are my order deadlines if you're hoping to get your items by Christmas:

Custom- US 12.15; Almost Everywhere Else 12.05; Africa & South America 11.30
Ready to Ship- US 12.18; Almost Everywhere Else 12.08; Africa & South America 12.01

Happy Shopping!!
<3 barb

1 comment:

  1. Oh that stinks! When I lived in DC I had the most amazing luck at shows. Up here...crickets. Remind me to tell you my sad craft show stories one day.


remember: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all :-)


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