Here's some of the highlights:
Early morning set-up, Day 1
my mom and I at the booth... note the awesome banner! (thanks aubrey!!)
for day 2 I decided I needed a few extra items... here is me, finishing... something?
here's a close- up of my small stuff display... its actually a cupcake stand! i seem to like putting my accessories in/on food display items, since my headbands were hung around trifle dishes :-)
here I am with my AMAZING assistant, PJ... he's been awesome throughout the whole fair process, and he was super helpful all weekend!
just a little happy dance :-D
Security at my booth for the weekend... aka my Dad, who was a huge help with setting up and breaking everything down each day
Here is Sophia... she loved my headbands but had her own idea for something unique, SO I made a special headband just for her! Doesn't she look so happy?
Last but not least, our neighbor... the Constantly Whistling Lady! She was selling little whistles, and she was putting one to SERIOUS use all day long. She didn't even break while she ate (noimnotkidding!)... we were impressed by her endurance
Well, that's that for the fair. I sent out an email to the giveaway winner tonight, and I also assessed my unsold inventory (which I'm not sure about yet, but if you'd like to request an item that you were particularly in love with and may not have sold, let me know). Talking to people at the fair has given me some good ideas for new projects, and it looks like a Bands & Bows Baby line is on the way! Hopefully, I will have some more details on that very soon.
This first fair was awesome, but I couldn't have done it all on my own. Thanks to Aubrey for the banner and tshirts, so perfect! Also thanks to G and J Crif for your help in preparing my display :-) Extra Special Thanks to my parents and my sister for helping out at the booth, and to Poppy for stopping by to see me!
Oh yea, this all would have been completely impossible without PJ, who not only told me that I MUST do it, but encouraged, helped, and supported me every step of the way. THANK YOU!!
<3 barb
yay glad to hear it was a sucess those bows and headbands are SO cute!!