
workspace want...

With all the work I've been doing to prepare for this craft show, I've been a little MIA in terms of blogging... I 100% meant to show you updates, and I did begin a treasury yesterday (I'm working on it... I hope to finish it and post it tomorrow)... and today I was planning to show you all the warm fuzzy things that this cool, rainy weather is making me want... but as usual, I got sidetracked, and now I'm thinking about my future office/ studio... you know, when I have my own business designing/ crafting whatever I want, spending all day sketching (I rarely sketch... but in my dreamland, I'm sketching all the time)... ANYWAY, here's what I'm thinking I want:

Obviously, my very large desk will have enough space to warrant a lamp that swings and adjusts and moves around a lot.  This one would be fab, but I could easily be happy with a vintage one of the same nature!
Part of the allure of this desk is that it matches my color scheme already... dark wood, orange, teal... even the yellow from the lamp! And while I always tell myself that I need drawers and stuff to keep things organized, thats not true.  I really like to SEE everything in front of me... spread out, usually in piles...
A dusty teal like this would be really pretty I think... equal parts bright and soothing.  My room in college was teal stripes, and I loved it!  Likely i'll save the stripes for another room...
I love notebooks, organizers, etc... so it should be no surprise that I would want one of these on my desk... despite the fact that I generally write my ToDo lists on scraps of paper small enough to carry around in my pocket... haha

Obviously there are lots of other wonderful things that I would want in my studio... a sewing machine, for one.  But I won't get into all that now; I think the aforementioned items are a good start!

<3 barb

PS I can't take credit for finding the lamp and desk myself... they were spotted via design*sponge, which you should check out if you haven't already!

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